Juli Edberg artist
Collage including Japanese paper and misc. paper findings 27 x 21 (2018)
collage with cutouts and drawing 25 x 20 (2016) Private collection
collage with cutouts and stitching 25 x 19 (2016)
collage with cutouts 25 x 19 (2016)
collage with cutout holes 11 x 17 (2015) Private collection
collage w cutouts 18 x 12 (2015)
collage 12 x 18 (2016) Private collection
collage 12 x 18 (2016) Private collection
collage 19 x 15 (2015)
collage with cutouts 20 x 25 1/2 (2015) Private collection
collage 11 x 17 (2016) Private collection
collage 10 x 17 2016
collage 16 1/2 x 15 2016
collage 20 1/2 x 19 (2015)
collage w cutouts 22 x 17 (2015) Donated to the Friends of Sherrod Brown
collages w cutouts 7 1/2 x 25 1/2 (2015) Private collection
Collage, 30.5" x 20" (2015) Private collection
Textured paper with cutouts, misc. paper finding; 17.5" x 22.5" (2015) Private collection
A portrait of sorts Textured paper with cutouts, misc. paper finding; 20" x 23" (2015) Private collection
Textured paper with cutouts, misc. paper finding; 21" x 21" (2015) Donated to Morgan Conservatory auction
A portrait of sorts Textured paper with cutouts, misc. paper finding; 23" x 22" (2015) Private collection
Textured paper with cutouts, misc. paper finding; 22" x 17" (2014)
Not strictly a colllage! Diorama, 13"W x 16"T (2014) Can be seen at the Good Goat Gallery in Lakewood, Ohio
Collage w cut out shapes 21 x 17 (2013) Private collection
Hand drawn pattern w cut out shapes 21 x 11 framed (2013) Private collection
Textured paper with cutouts, misc. paper findings, googlie eye; 38" x 35" (2013)
Textured paper with cutouts, letters, misc. 8" x 10" (2011)
Textured paper with cutouts, letters, misc. 8" x 10" (2011)
Watercolor, cutouts, text; 14" x 8.5" (2012) Private collection
Textured paper with cutout, envelope papers and drawings; 26" x 19.5" (2012) Private collection
Textured paper with cutout, envelope papers and drawings; 26" x 19.5" (2012)
Textured paper with cutout, envelope papers and drawings; 26" x 19.5" (2012)
Printed wood grain with cutout and found art; 4" x 4" (2011)
Textured paper with cutout, sky map; 5" x 8" (2011)
Blueprint paper cutout and wood grain art; 8" x 10" (2011)
Textured paper with cutout, Japanese toilet paper wrappers; 21" x 26" (2010)
Textured paper with cutout, Japanese toilet paper wrappers, Japanese wrapping paper; 21" x 26" (2010) Private collection
Brown paper with cutout, sheet music, money, etc.; 21" x 26" (2010)